Cost of Getting a Pilot License in Washington
Transferring your plans from a flight school in Washington to Paragon Flight in Florida or Georgia can reduce the cost of getting a pilot license. We provide a premier experience and can reduce the expenses involved by offering a variety of options.
FAA-authorized through Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 141 and Part 61, Paragon Flight offers curated options for flight training whether you prefer highly structured, traditional plans or more flexible routes to your goals.
The flight instructors at Paragon Flight come from a deep well of experienced applicants. All certified but with varying specialties and regional experiences, we can match you with an instructor with the precise background to complement your plans. If personalities or teaching styles are an issue, we can adjust the pairing to ensure that your experience is maximally successful.
Flight instruction costs will largely depend on the credentials sought and the time it takes to achieve those goals. At Paragon Flight, we offer a bevy of training opportunities, including all of the following programs:
- Private Pilot Pursuits
- Private Pilot Licenses (PPL)
- Instrument Flight Rating (IFR)
- Multi-Engine Licenses (MEL)
- Cirrus Certified Aircraft Traning
- Glass Cockpit Training
- Commercial Pilot Pursuits
- Commercial Single-Engine License (CSEL)
- Commercial Multi-Engine License (CMEL)
- Certified Flight Instructor, single-engine (CFI)
- Certified Flight Instructor, Instrument (CFII)
- Certified Multi-Engine Instructor, multi-engine (MEI)
- Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certification
- Military/Government Pilot Pursuits
- Initial Flight Orientation (IFO)
- Single Engine Recurrent Training (SERT)
- Rotary Wing to Fixed Wing Transition Training
- Aircraft Transition and Differences Training
We prepare pilots to fly safely and skillfully and clear the FAA’s written, verbal, and practical evaluations. You’ll have the knowledge and practical skills necessary to meet these goals.
At Paragon Flight, we meet all of the demands placed by the FAA. We’re authorized to operate under Part 141 and 61 guidelines to surpass our students’ expectations. From a Discovery Flight to the P3 Program or a bespoke plan all your own, we will address your situation with a plan to overcome any challenges and lead you toward your goals as quickly and affordably as possible.
The financial challenge of flight training can be genuine. Earning the required credentials can add up financially. As a Part 141 authorized flight school, Paragon Flight can welcome student pilots with government-backed student loans or grants, aviation scholarships, or veterans benefits. If these resources don’t apply to your circumstances, we can also provide contacts for private lending organizations we have seen aviators find to be flight training-friendly in the past.
Scheduling can also be a challenge for pilot candidates. We can provide full-time training programs in accordance with Part 141 guidelines and part-time or accelerated courses with greater flexibility as Part 61 regulations allow.
Paragon Flight has three locations, and the conditions offer students 300+ days of flight-suitable weather each year. You won’t find that in Washington, nor will you find the low cost of getting a pilot license that you’ll encounter at Paragon Flight. Reach out today by clicking here or calling us directly at either of the following locations to learn more about our processes or programs:
- Fort Myers, FL – (239) 747-0056
- Punta Gorda, FL – (941) 900-3131
- LaGrange, GA – (706) 903-9337.