Flight Training Near Orlando, Florida

Looking for a top-notch flight training program near Orlando, Florida? Look no further than Paragon Flight. Our enthusiastic flight instructors will provide you with advanced training techniques, some of the finest equipment in the industry, and unsurpassed customer satisfaction. 

About Us

Flight Training Near Orlando FloridaParagon Flight is an FAA-approved flight training center in Fort Myers, Florida. We are known as the premier flight school in Southwest Florida because we provide excellent instructors, the most advanced aircraft available and the best training systems in the world.

We completely customize our programs to suit your needs. You choose the aircraft and we build the training around your schedule to maximize the convenience for you. You have the advantage of learning from pilots with real-life experience flying for the airlines. This real-world instruction will enable you to fly anywhere in the country in nearly any environment.

Our students train in the world’s greatest aircraft – Cessna’s forgiving and reliable single-engine Skyhawk 172. The Cessna 172 makes learning to fly easier primarily because it has lower takeoff and landing speeds and is very forgiving. It features a state-of-the-art Garmin G1000® glass cockpit avionics package, GPS, autopilot, XM weather, leather seats and more. The Cessna 172 is a favorite of Paragon Flight aviation students.

You can also earn hours toward the pilot license requirements by training on our Redbird FMX Flight Simulator. This can be more cost effective than training in an aircraft. It offers a fully enclosed cockpit, +200° wrap-around visuals, and can be configured to simulate any of the planes in our training fleet. You’ll be able to land or depart from any airport in the country at the touch of a button.


Paragon Flight offers a FAR Part 141-approved curriculum for primary, instrument, and commercial training, but students also have the option to follow a personalized FAR Part 61 training program.

We have partnered with Jeppesen, a subsidiary of Boeing and a giant in the flight training industry, to help you earn your wings 30% faster than other flight schools. Jeppesen created the world’s finest pilot training manuals and software, and we are among a limited number of select schools authorized to use their materials.

The personal attention you receive at Paragon Flight will prepare you to master the skies. When you need the best flight school near Orlando, Florida, we hope you’ll choose us! Call us today at (239) 274-3170 to get started earning your wings.