Florida Flight Training Center
When making a decision about aviation training, consider the features that make Paragon Flight among the best Florida flight training centers. Paragon is a premier FAA Part 141-approved Flight Training Center and is committed to training the best and safest pilots in less time than non-approved Florida flight schools.
What is a FAR Part 141 flight school, and how is it different from a FAR Part 61 school? In general, Part 61 schools provide a less structured environment and less FAA oversight. Any Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) can call himself a Part 61 school. Training difficulty depends on the expertise of the CFI and the curriculum is very flexible. Private certificates can be completed in 40 hours or in 250 hours for a commercial certificate, but ground training may be inferior to a Part 141 flight school because it is reliant on the student’s own initiative.
A Part 141 flight school, such as Paragon Flight, is required to meet prescribed FAA standards with respect to equipment, facilities, personnel, and curricula. CFIs must be experienced in the material being taught, for example, a multi-engine instructor must possess a multi-engine rating. The curriculum is structured and divided into stages, with stage checks to verify the student’s progress. Ground training is classroom-based and knowledge and practical tests are administered based on FAA standards. A private certificate can be completed in 35 hours or in 190 hours for a commercial certificate.
The vast majority of flight schools (over 90%) operate under FAA Part 61 regulations, however, earning a Part 141 certificate is a guarantee that you have received high quality training that was approved, overseen and audited by the FAA. This can be a significant distinction if you plan to make aviation your career. The training costs between the two programs are similar, so it’s important to choose a school that will provide you with the most value and the best quality of training.
Paragon Flight is a Part 141 Flight School. Our experienced staff is made up of nationally accredited Master Instructors and Gold Seal Flight Instructors who have been recognized for their commitment to safety and quality. Paragon is one of the few flight schools in the nation to receive approval from Jeppesen to offer its innovative, award-winning software and materials in our training program.
You can learn at your own pace from our fully licensed instructors and the hands-on experience and expert guidance you need to achieve your goals.
Paragon’s Florida flight training center was selected to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association’s (AOPA) Flight Training Excellence Awards Flight School Honor Roll for 2012. Our clients consistently vote for us as one of the top 50 flight schools in the country. We will make your experience easy, fast and fun, and help you earn your wings about 30% faster than the national average.
Whether you are located in Fort Myers, Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, or elsewhere in Florida or the nation, contact us at (239) 274-3170 to find out all we have to offer.