Completed Paragon Flight expansion soars, thanks to key partner support

With so much news to share in 2022, one of the most exciting announcements from Paragon Flight, the completion of our long-awaited expansion project, got short shrift. I want to rectify that now, not only because it’s a stunning and smart 28,000 square foot addition, but because the team that made it possible deserves public thanks. First some background…

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Aviation Industry Loosens College Degree Requirements

Recent news reports have noted that behemoth employers like Google, IBM, Walmart and state governments are relaxing or eliminating requirements for a college degree for many positions. Interestingly, Delta Airlines – the gold standard in commercial aviation – was among the early adopters of this degree-less approach to boosting employment during the prolonged labor shortage.

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A Tribute to Jeff Wolf – Paragon Flight CFI and GOAT

Does GOAT (Greatest of All Time) only apply to athletes? If so, I’m going to suggest that it shouldn’t – and those of you who know Jeff Wolf will agree. Jeff is my business partner and Chief Flight Instructor extraordinaire, and for readers who know Jeff, you know it’s not an exaggeration to describe him as an exceptional guy. If the secret to Paragon Flight’s success is the not-so-secret philosophy of hiring and nurturing good humans in a relentlessly positive environment, Jeff is the personification of that philosophy.

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